Hear From WORTHYer, Nerissa


Do you feel like you're someone who strives? Like you know you want big things for yourself.. you want freedom with your time. You want to make good money doing what you love and in a way that's aligned with your gifts. You want to have impact in the world?

But you're lacking a supportive community. You don't feel like you can fully express your dreams, because the people around you just don't understand you.

They've clearly limited themselves and are subscribing to the fear-based, oppressive system of control. They're staying small because they don't want to be hurt. It's not their fault. We're not judging. Everyone is where that is. They just haven't woken up to the reality of potential and haven't tapped into the healing that is possible to clear space for these big beliefs in what we can achieve and how we can impact the world.

That's how Nerissa felt until she joined WORTHY.

Though joining WORTHY, she found a community where she could be completely open. She found a safe space to build clarity and work through doubt. She could declare what she was going for in life. She could state that she was ready to be a leader. She found people who believed in her.

Listen to Nerissa’s story. If you feel like her, feel into joining WORTHY.

Here’s the link to learn more and sign up! https://www.melissamoffet.com/worthy

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