F*ck around and Find out: Being with the Mystery of Entrepreneurship and Life


In this episode of Air & Earth Podcast, we are diving into the humanness that has shown up in the last few weeks. It’s the art of letting go, allowing myself to go into the void, into the uncertainty, into the unknown that shifted and opened up possibilities that changed my entire life. In entrepreneurship, you have to “f*ck around and find out”… when you’re getting started when innovating when you’re going into a new level. You have to evolve into someone new, you have to let go of things, you have to explore. Becoming an entrepreneur is leaning into life, leaning into your creativity, leaning into adventure and leaning into trust and uncertainty. So let’s dive in.

If you feel called, I would be so appreciative if you reposted this show on your Instagram story with a screenshot and tag me if this spoke to you or shared with a friend via text!

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