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Do you feel you are worth that vision of your wealthiest life? Do you live with that possibility as a calling you trust will come through if you follow your heart, or does fear, guilt, and shame get in the way?


For many people, the second option lives as the reality. We live in fear of finances. It’s not our fault.. It’s our baseline that has been handed down through generations. Up until about two hundred years ago, women were not allowed to own property in many countries. This time frame to start developing financial independence has been even less for POC.

Our connection to money is directly related with our survival instinct. At the very least, we need money to feed, clothe, and house ourselves and our loved ones and meet our basic well-being needs.

Beyond that, there’s a possibility of moving into thriving, where we are saving constantly and have a nice safety net, we feel comfortable with the ability to pay off our debts, we can work less and do what we love to make money, we can feel like we have enough to share and create equality shifts by contributing to the social, environmental, and economic wellbeing of others with our resources.

Even beyond that.. there’s the possibility and potential of overflow. That state where money comes and goes easily. Where money is a nonissue because it is always there. Where money is trusted, loved, and appreciated deeply. Where money is an extension of the inner freedom that is embodied and expressed.

For so long, this idea of thriving and overflow wasn’t possible. Times have changed, though. Our collective reality is massively changing every single day. We are relearning what it means to be human. We are evolving.

So, how can we lead this transition if we are operating from a place where we are constantly looking to reconfirm our deep-rooted, worn out beliefs that there is never enough, we can’t do what we love and make money, we have to work ourselves to the bone for money, and so on?

Self-awareness and embodiment. We have the power to make conscious shifts and steer the unquestionable force of change into the direction of good.

Worthy & Wealthy is the course that will help you heal and empower your own shifts in the area of your connection to your worth with receiving, circulating, and holding money and wealth.


Let’s take it back a second.. Who am I, and why am I talking about money so much, let alone wanting to teach a course on the topic?

In 2018 I was working at a job that was great.. Good pay, good benefits, prestige, and so on, but I felt empty and unfulfilled with my work. 

It took my dad getting sick for me to wake up. I realized how short life was. I decided that it was time for me to go after the life that was calling to me, the life that I had been making excuses to avoid and put off until I was “ready.”

When my dad got sick, I started letting myself truthfully follow my desires. I wanted to work from home. I wanted to have the flexibility to visit and care for my family whenever I needed and wanted to. I wanted to have midday walks with my dog, Forrest. I wanted to feel excited to wake up and start my job.

I was finally excited (although also terrified) to make the transition. So I quit.

I started teaching what meant the most to me, something I had been studying for years to improve my own well-being: self-worth.

For the first few months, I woke up every single night with fear about how I would grow my tiny business into something that could fully support me. I felt sick with fear. I felt constantly anxious. I didn’t want to check my bank account. I was afraid to spend money because I had a fear that more wouldn’t come in.

Eventually I got fed up. I took the mindset, energetic, and embodiment work, self-reflection, and meditative practices I had learned and applied them to money.

I looked at why I was feeling these feelings.. What had I learned from my family and society about what was possible with money and my career?

I started practicing gratitude and trust in order to override my default of fear and distrust. I began to embody the belief that money was on my side.

I let myself actually want money instead of feeling guilt or shame. I saw that money was a neutral energy that can be used for good. I set big goals and began to achieve them.

I hit my first five figure month and increased my monthly income by 1440% within 3 months of doing consistency money work.

It’s only gone up from there. I have a multiple six figure business doing what I love. I bought my dream home in Colorado. I have a thicc savings fund. My partner and I are moving into massive levels of wealth together as our dreams get bigger and bigger about our wealthy lifestyle and the impact we plan to spread with the wealth we are creating.

What has been even more magical and fulfilling was the overwhelming sense of forgiveness for my past heaviness, gratitude for my current resources, and peace, trust, and excitement in my financial future and how that feeling, and the practices that create that feeling, has shaped my life ever since.

Even now as I move into mega wealth, I still do the same self-awareness and worthiness work.

I am now empowered with money, and I want to teach you how to have the same.

I started sharing this mind blowing work with my students.. And crazy shit happened in their lives, too:

So, now is the time to share this work with you.

We’re no longer sweeping our feelings about money under the rug.

If you’re here, I trust you are a GOOD person. You have a good soul. You are kind. You are constantly working on growing and being kinder to yourself, others, and the world.

You have the ability to CLEAR away the old stories that are weighing you down from opening your heart to fabulous, abundant opportunities. You are CAPABLE of stepping in to the power of trust. You DESERVE to receive, recirculate, and save money. You WILL do amazing things with the money you make. 

The question is, are you WILLING?

This work takes dedication, consistently showing up, choosing a new way again and again, deep forgiveness work, and facing your fears in order to play a bigger game with money.

However, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

WORTHY & Wealthy is the way.

What is WORTHY & Wealthy?

WORTHY & Wealthy breaks down money consciousness work into a simple Money Methodology:


Past money work: How do we shed light into the barriers & beliefs that have kept us from a positive relationship with money? Examining, forgiving, and letting go of past money memories, fears, oppressive energies, and shame while reprogramming unhelpful societal money beliefs, thus creating clear energy and space that will welcome in trust and prosperity in your heart, body, and in your bank account.

Present money work: How can we create consistent trust and good feelings around money? Practicing gratitude and confidence, embodying abundance from the heart first, and paying loving attention to your finances to deepen trust and clear fear with the power of clarity and awareness. The mindset, embodiment, and energetics of pure peace and presence.

Future money work: How do we feel excited for our financial futures and open ourselves up to receive more money? Allowing yourself to desire prosperity, knowing why you desire prosperity, and setting attainable goals for yourself, whether that be through wanting a promotion, job change, expansion in your business, or other form of income increase, to create direction and momentum towards your abundant future filled with peace of mind when it comes to finance.


What’s included:

  • Practices: 25 video, meditation, and journaling lessons to expand your money consciousness. The lessons include: a welcome lesson, getting clear, money tracking and not tracking, money consciousness foundations, money memories, fears, and negative consequences, energetic clearing for freedom, rewrite the story, resilience building, abundance embodiment, abundance meditation, expansion meditation, clean your house for money, your money why, kick self-sabotage’s butt, money gratitude, money love letter, dance for abundance, money goal setting, money manifestation mediation, money prayers, money mirror embodiment, and nurture your money relationship. I continue adding to these as I deepen my money consciousness.

  • Recordings of most recent live round (July 2021) including topics on Financial Healing & Trust, The New Paradigm of Wealth Frequencies, The Intersection of Wisdom & Wealth, and a final 1:1 group coaching call.

  • 14 recordings to previous live classes that you can tap into whenever you desire a wealth frequency boost on holding, circulating, and receiving money, financial energy clearing, wealthy leadership, making money an act of service, manifesting money magic, healing your money archetype, and so much more.

  • Lifetime access to the course content, classes, and updates. That means when I run this course live again in the future, you get to come to the new classes FOR FREE FOREVER.

  • Bonussss: Lifetime access to Success through Fulfillment ($555 value) - a whole bonus course on creating a wildly successful career doing what you love and what is of service to others and the world.


Do I need to be an entrepreneur?

NO! This course is for everyone! I’ve had students who were in tech get raises, corporate leaders climb the ladder a little higher, people in unfulfilled jobs quit to become full time teachers or creatives, artists start selling more of their work, creatives create other streams of income in their businesses, moms have unexpected money show up, and more.

Will this course make me more money?

PLENTY of people have done this work and had immediate (almost freaky) income results from their energetic declaration that they were finally open to create a new way of being around money. The most important thing that has developed for people is a the move into acceptance and love around finances vs. the default of fear and lack. Embodying self-awareness and trust in money is what helps the god, the universe, or whatever higher power you believe in line up with your desires in order to show you the next steps toward your goals and open wonderful doors for you.

Do you talk about debt?

Oh yes, lord. We go deep into debt: clearing shame and guilt, “good’ vs. “bad” debt, shifting your view on debt, consciously choosing debt, how to be comfortable with debt, how to align your energy to pay off debt if that’s what you desire. We discuss this in the course content, you are given debt journaling and practices, and we discuss in the live classes.

I’m busy.. Will I have time to do all this work?

I totally understand you have a lot to do.. I do, too! But I’ve found this work is SO POWERFUL that I’ve made it a priority in my life. You get out of this course what you put in. Most of the time, just simple energy shifts (like taking the leap to sign up!) create ripple effects in how money flows into your life and how you feel about money. That boost will give you the motivation to keep going and prioritize this work. You have to make space for it. :) BUT, each module is pretty short, you work at your own pace, all of the live calls are recorded, and you have lifetime access. Busy? No freaking problem.

Do you offer payment plans?

Heck yes! We are making this program as accessible as possible. Payment plans are listed below.

Do you offer refunds?

We have a no refund policy. Once you sign up, you’re in babe.. and it’s time to go deep.

How does this work?

  • You get immediate access to Worthy & Wealthy and all the bonuses immediately on sign up to keep your momentum going strong! We recommend you get started ASAP to tap into that momentum.

  • You get a welcome email that gives you all the info you need to know, plus will help you log into your account on our learning platform. (May take about 10 minutes!)

  • The course includes 25+ practices and 20 prerecorded classes.

  • You have access to all future upgrades and live classes that WORTHY & Wealthy provides. I’m always adding on as I deepen my money relationship.

If you’re looking to deepen your self-practice and receive greater support, I offer 1:1 intensives and packages. Learn more here or send me a DM.


However you are feeling, whatever this is bringing up for you, know that I, and many others around the world are here with you.

This work is new. Remember, we are creating a new normal in our lives and in the lives of the collective.

Through this work into healing our money pasts, forming a healthy connection to finances, and letting ourselves want to use money as a tool for good for ourselves the world, we can start to tap into the energy of giving and receiving in profound ways.

Your life can and will change through this work, if you show up with consistency and dedication, both for yourself and for others.

Think of where you could be in just a few short months. Think of how your life could change.. seriously.. stop reading this and visualize your future if you relationship with money was healed.

This course and the community we provide will give you the tools and forever support to continue that upward cycle of healing and growth.

I am so excited for you to join us. I love you so much.

xoxo, Melissa


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