Shadow Work Queen

πŸŒ‘ πŸŒ’ πŸŒ“ πŸŒ” πŸŒ• πŸŒ– πŸŒ— 🌘 πŸŒ‘

Shadow work has the power to transform your entire life from the root.

It will help you release layers of shame, judgement, repression, and resentment to create space to bloom into your natural authenticity, courageous expression, loving connection, and trust in your path.

I see my consistent devotion to shadow work as one of the core factors in my genuine happiness with life, love of myself, loving relationships with others, and holistic success in my business.

In this session,

🌚I'll be guiding you through a grounding and self-compassion anchoring practice to open

🌚We will walk through deep shadow work prompts together that will reveal your unconscious dreams, desires, fears, projections, beliefs, resentments, and judgements that are holding you back from allowing your highest timeline to unfold in relationship to money and your business, to family, friends, and lovers, to yourself and your sense of creativity, expression, and authenticity. 

🌚I will guide you through an integration practice and discussion on how to continue integration and deepening of your personal shadow work practice.

🌚We will have a witnessing circle where you can share your experience and witness others in their process. 

This is for you whether you are brand spanking new to shadow work or you've been doing it for years and having a dedicated space to devote to your practice while being directed sounds delicious.


Currently $49 USD.