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Okay. So maybe you’re an energy worker, a healer, a guide, a teacher, a leader in your field.

Maybe you don’t quite feel that way yet, but you’re wanting to be this expanded space holder.

Maybe it’s hard to call in clients and students.

Maybe if feels difficult to be truly you on the internets and create an audience.

Maybe you feel your power a bit, but societal/ancestral programing and your empathy has you feeling watered down AF.

Maybe it feels uneasy to show up and lead a group of humans through powerful transformation.

Maybe there’s a disconnect between what your soul is calling you to create, to say, to teach, to do.. and the HOW of doing it.

Listen.. here’s the secret:

…. wait for it..

.. it’s a good one!…

… I’m going to make you scroll for it. ;)

.. Here look at these pretty flowers while the tension builds. :)

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There are no secrets.

Yep. I mean it.

There are no marketing secrets or manipulative sales tactics or follow unfollow nonsense I’m going to share with you during this masterclass.

There are no secrets to your success.

There’s nothing missing in your recipe.

There’s only you.. creating your life.. creating your calling.. showing up.. in purpose.. with vision.. with commitment.. with growing resilience.. trusting yourself more and more.

This is you. Your magnetism. Your potency.

This is how you work with people. This is how you draw people in. This is how you hold space for massive change in the lives of thousands.

Here’s what I’ve learned:


You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t have to have someone else telling you what to do all the time. You don’t need validation or to prove anything.

You have to line up with what you believe in.. in yourself.. in your business.. in your leadership.. in your pricing.. in your delivery.. in your marketing and just show up. Again and again. Trust yourself. Create momentum.

There are plenty of classes out there that will tell you how to put things together, how to strategize, and how to write the perfect instagram caption.

That’s not what I’m here for.

I’m here to teach you to trust yourself, make your own damn decisions, and channel that beautiful soul into your clients and work.

They’ll feel it. They’ll crave it. They’ll want more. They’ll find you and excitedly pay you. They’ll leave raving reviews. They’ll ask to work together again and again.

It’s YOUR ENERGY. That’s the foundation. 

Without it.. the strategy ain’t shit.

I spent $18,000 on a program that I thought would help me structure and grow my business. After trying to force the external containers to be able to hold people and my business actually decreasing in revenue for months, I gave up on trying to force MY business (which is me) to be like someone else’s. I looked inward instead. When I found my magnetism and potency and started nurturing it.. 

My business doubled, tripled, and quadrupled in a few months.

My clients started showing up and asking to pay me.. no sales calls needed. Even high ticket 1:1 clients.

My solo and group sessions got super powerful. Tears. People needing to lay down after to integrate. People spending 10 minutes at the end of sessions laughing and saying over and over again “You’re good.”

The growing business is a nice bonus..

BUT DAMN. There’s nothing in the world like knowing you’re in your soul’s purpose and doing work that is helping people change their inner and outer worlds.

So this is what I’m teaching you in this class.


And make money doing it. ;)

We’re separating this class into two parts: Magnetism and Potency.

Let me give you a definition for those.


Magnetism (mag nuh tiz em) noun:

The act of showing up as you. Your radiance. Your allure. Owning it. Showing it. Attracting it. Being interesting. BEING YOU. Loving yourself. Trusting yourself. Letting yourself shine. People watching you. People respecting you. People wanting your energy. People wanting your work. People wanting to work with you. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.

Potency (po tin cy) noun:

Power. Channeling. Creativity. Feeling it. Giving it. Receiving it. Flow. Clients being blown away. Efficiency. Canceling busy work. Canceling needing to be like others. Canceling needing validation. Over delivering easily. Authority. Influence. Guiding others to rise in their power. Guiding others to be inspired. Guiding others to feel like they’re part of a community. Love overflowing from you into your work and transforming lives. THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM.

Ohhhh holy shit I’m excited for this.

You are, too? Okay let’s keep talking.

The Masterclass:

Part 1: Magnetism.

Being YOUUU on and off the internets (no one teaches you this!).

YOU are the offer. You are the product. You are the class.

Leadership embodiment.

Secrets of selling (jk not secrets. Remember.. there aren’t any).

Calling in the people.

It’s not just about your business….. life outside of being a space holder.

Space holder boundaries 101.


Letting it be easy and fun.

Part 2: Potency.

Energy Transference.

Containing the container.

Expanding your vessel.

Literally holding the fucking space for calling in and transforming clients through your work.. how do you do that.

When you get watered down.

Working with one vs. working with many.

Guiding through portals of transformation.

Be a prayer for service.

Channeling your challenges into your service.

Surrender. Devotion. Love.

I’ll be giving you info, practices, journaling prompts and during the class and as homework to embodddyyyy these shifts!

You know I love bonuses soooo…

BONUS VIDEO & WORKBOOK! Space Holder Codes - My framework for teaching powerful transformational one on one sessions and workshops. - $50 value

ULTIMATE PRICING MEDITATION - energetically align your work with your price with your message again and again with this guided meditation. - $35 value

The detailssss:

Lifetime access replay!

You’ll get the link to the recording, class slides, and all your bonus goodies right after the call so you can watch over and over again.

This masterclass is for you:

  • You’re a space holder, guide, healer, teacher, creative, leader in your field who struggles with trusting yourself.

  • “WOW putting yourself out there and getting visible is SCARY cause they’re gonna judge me and I’m gonna fuck up and what if I fail and and and”

  • You feel all the potential.. but struggle with the potential coming into reality.

  • You always feel like you’re missing something and want to find that wholeness in yourself.

  • You suffer from comparisonitis. You’re ready to see others shining and not let it diminish your shine.

  • You want to believe more in your work.

  • You just want to feel more like YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • You feel like you’re constantly trying to prove yourself.

  • You want to have the energy to give more.

  • You want to have the openness to receive more.

  • You have a heart of service. You fucking love people and love the world. You want to be a vessel for good in the world.

    Hear from my clients who are learning to trust themselves and be MAGNETIC & POTENT:

Okay. So back to where we started.

So you’re maybe you’re an energy worker, a healer, a guide, a teacher, a leader in your field.

You’re ready to expand. You’re ready to bring all of you into your work. You’re ready to shine. ready to magnetize. You’re ready to be potent.

I’m ready to teach you with all of me.

Let’s fucking do this.