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 One of my missions, and the intention of this course…

Is to empower heart-centered business owners in rising into their ever-evolving and expanding leadership and impact while creating freedom of time and abundance.




One where you know how to lead your super legit business.

One where you know what it takes to be the visionary in your blooming company.

One where you work less, but have way more efficient and effective impact.

One where your gifts, heart, and magnetism shine through in your marketing.

One where clients come more and more easily because you are so clear in your containers, your offers, your products and communicate the worth of what you bring with fierce clarity.

One where you take bigger and bigger leaps because faith is all you know.

One where money is a tool, a neutral energy, a power to harness to continue that upliftment, and $5K, $10K, $20K, and $40K kind of months are not only possible, they’re inevitable.

One where empowerment runs deep and radiates out into all of your clients, through your work, through your products.

It’s time for your next initiation in BLOOM.

This self-paced course is filled with the knowledge, leadership embodiment, practices, structures, and strategies to support you in starting and scaling your heart-led business.


I remember feeling stuck, constantly wondering about how things would work out for me..

seeing others doing it and having no idea how to make that happen for me.. waking up in the middle of the night feeling terrified about my finances.

I remember feeling all of this knowing inside of me that I was ready to be an exceptional, visionary, massively mega space holding creator, but not having the tools, clarity, or boldness to move forward.

I needed support. I needed to learn to trust myself. I needed experience.

Through days and days of showing up, the pieces started to fall into place. Things got easier. I learned how to be the ever-evolving leader I have always been meant to be.

This is the main intention and the result of this course.

Yes, I want you to make more money in your business.

I want you to have more clients.

I want you to have a popping social media with lots of followers.

I want you to have it all.


But I know where it all comes from.


It comes from your bold, embodied, open-to-the-whole-fucking-world, loving and craving your gifts coming through more and more to help others, You, leadership.

You leading your ship.

You becoming all you have always meant to be to lead, serve, create, sell, support, love.

I want this course to do more than help your business.

I want it to touch your soul.

I want you to feel more like yourself than you’ve ever felt.

I want you to look back and not recognize yourself because you’ve learned to trust and embrace those changes that are coming fast. 


Feel it in your body, soul, and fucking bones yet?

Ya, me too.


 What’s included in BLOOM?


As soon as you enrol, you will be given access to recorded pieces of content for you to receive, study, practice, and implement.


 A Breakdown of the Trainings & Practices you will learn.

The Uplevel Trainings.



The Beingness in your Business

Creating the mission to serve deeply in your body.

Purifying ego, comparison, greed, selfishness, jealousy.

Calming the nervous system for leaders.

Creating alignment in your day, your work balance and style, your offerings.

Space creation and energy clearings for called in growth.

Create and decide from possibility.

Finding your creation station.

Letting your magic and creativity shine. Not getting watered down. Being in your fullness as a creator and leader.

Interconnectedness with your business, your life, those you’re serving.

Ripple effect based trust.

Choosing love over fear.


Of Service Social Media and Marketing

Content that does more than convert, it touches souls.

Heart centered copywriting.

Human connection marketing in dms, emails, podcasts, videos, etc.

Discovering how attraction and magnetism works for you.

Content circulating and repurposing.

Growing an audience.

Honing your voice and vision on social media.


Surrendered Sales

Selling from the heart.

Reframes to embody for easier, embodied, and of service selling.

Launch strategies that energize and fit in with your energy cycles and human design.

Detaching from outcomes and focusing on holding the containers and products for those who truly need it.

Creating empowered, expansive, and initiation-style sign ups and purchases for your clients.

Visualization for simple sales and bad ass delivery.


Conscious Money Creation, Investment, & Stewarding

Being a loving steward of and in relationship with money.

Channeling boss biz bitch vibes - taking responsibility for your money as an entrepreneur.

Money blocks, traumas, and oppressive forces for online entrepreneurs to be aware of and how to bust through, heal, transmute, and love on them on a mental, embodiment, and energetic level.

Common investment, outsourcing, and overhead tips for online entrepreneurs.

Organizing, tracking, accounting, and loving your expenses and income.

The embodiment and energetics of spending, holding, and making more money.


The Soul Strategy

Letting your heart and soul lead your strategy.

Trial and error. Discovering what works for you.

Energy and intention as the #1 prioritization.

Sustainable & aligned scaling strategies.

The importance of mini and mega pivots and how to navigate them.

The cycle of integrate, create, receive, uplevel.

Following your feminine energy cycle for womb carrier business leaders.

Timing. Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall in business and how to trust and harness the flow.



Leading from pleasure, joy, enoughness, and abundance.

Responsible and sustainable power creation and growth.

Taking care of and deeply loving your clients through energy transference and generosity.

Boundaries for leadership.

Acceleration activations.

Receiving feedback. Doing the internal work to rewire bias of all kind.

Space holding for healers and teachers.

Working with a team. Outsourcing. Being a boss.

Developing your authority, your momentum, your reputation as the leader you are.

Getting results and the best testimonials ever through how you provide your service or product.

The Integration Trainings

The Integration Trainings:

Creating a Freebie (to build trust and your list) & Email Sequencing

Course + Container Creating and Space Holding

Social Media Audit Training

Sales Strategies

Sales Page Training

Scaling your Offers

Pricing & Rates

Scaling Energetically

Enrichment in business

The BLOOM Practices

The BLOOM Practices:

Guided Leadership Visualisation Meditation

Expansion Embodiment Mirror Practice

Scarcity to Abundance Journaling Practice

The “Guide Me to Serve” Prayer Practice

Guided by the Mother Grounding

Abundancing Class

Calm abiding Meditation for Business Owners



Success Through Fulfillment Bonus Module


 BLOOM is a safe space for Black, Brown, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+ Folx.

As a leader, I am actively pursuing an education in anti-racism within my life and business.

I expect the same from my clients. Leadership = compassion in action.


 Who It’s For

BLOOM is for the emerging and growing leader who believes in the new definition + paradigm of business.


This is for you if you desire:

  • Making decisions based on wisdom and compassion, and how to be of benefit for all.

  • Believing the business will thrive when everything else around it thrives as well.

  • Reciprocity. A HEALTHY balance of give and take. Not just take until the business implodes from being overpowered. Not just give until the leadership burns out and crashes down.

  • Healing old patriarchal ties to the old paradigms of business. No more forcing. No more working 50+ hours. No more having to meet certain standards of dress or rigid professionalism.

  • Having a foundation of connection to service. Believing in something far grander than yourself and your business. Believing that there’s no way you can fail, with a mission like that.

  • Deep balance. Profit in integrity. Sustainable expansion.

  • A deep-rooted trust in yourself and the business, because you are out for more than yourself, you are determined to do good for all using your resources, and with that mission, there is no stopping it.

  • Not wanting another coach or program to hold your hand or “fix’ you or your business. You’re wanting empowerment for the gifts, wisdom, power, and compassion inherently within you.

  • A balance. You know that a successful business takes both structure and flow. You want to learn about leadership, embodiment, receiving, and all the juicy inner work.. but you also want your business to be fucking sturdy through automations, strategy, and structure on you back end, in your containers, and in your marketing.

  • Uniqueness. Your business model isn’t like others. You want to play around and find what works for you. You want choice and the freedom to trust your gut and choose.

  • Resilience. You’re okay with making mistakes, entering the fire of transformation, and entering the portal of expansion.

  • Financial healing and expansion. You are a good person and do good with your money. It’s time to deeply know that. You’ve decided it’s time to make more.

  • Community. BLOOM is for the entrepreneur who has an online service or product-based business. You want diversity in your group. You’re okay with sometimes being triggered and comparing yourself. You are ready to enter a safe space to heal this programming with the mindset of enoughness for all. You are ready to be generous with your energy and be there for the community. You are receptive and ready to ask for your needs and be vulnerable.


It’s time to step into your boldness.

 It’s time to do something you’ve never done before to create something that’s been on your heart to create.

It’s time to get support from someone like me who has been there and wants nothing more than to see you flourish + a community that is also BLOOMING.

I call on you, sweet soul, to listen. You will know if this is the program for you. You will just know.

If you know, take the leap.


I ask this of all my clients.

Make signing up a ritual, a practice, an initiation in itself.

Ask yourself what you are initiating by investing in this container.

What are you shedding to create space for this uplevel?

Dance, move, journal, breathe, meditate. Feel the power of this choice in your bodyyyy. When your higher self says to make the move, sign up. Feel the expansion begin.

Know that this is not a container that will fix you or your business. You and your business are not broken. The intention is to support you in finding wisdom guided leadership.. which can only come from you. I am only here to hold a mirror to your most vibrant, fulfilled, powerful self that is already inside of you.

If you’re on board…

Let’s go..


Testimonials from past students.




Enroll now!

Have questions or need love in your decision making process? DM me on Instagram.
