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The Abundance Beyond Year all access coaching + community experience is your next move if your desire is to heal, deepen, and expand your life and business to the next level.




During the course of a year, you will receive access to all eight of Melissa's signature group programs, every masterclass offered for the year, and every spontaneous offer.

The journey of Abundance Beyond was tailored to strengthen your roots and resilience as an entrepreneur and/or space holder, to activate your next level identity, to hone your skills in the world of space holding and business, to crystallize your massive, of service vision, and to call you into more power than you've unlocked in your reality before.

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Through the next year, I invite you to anchor into The Abundance Beyond paradigm along side of me and our other ABY members, that already lives within your body, consciousness, and heart. This is about remembering the truth: that we have access to infinite power, wisdom, and love - and when we guide our businesses from there, life be comes miraculous - through the full spectrum of living. We gain strength though the downs, we stay humble and use the highs to continue to perpetuate upliftment for all, and we are able to live this one precious life alive from the present moment. Our businesses become a reflection of this breadth and depth of living. 


Melissa Moffet is a business mentor, spiritual and financial wealth expander, money relating healer, community weaver, and innovator in the coaching industry.

She specializes in sustainable business, balancing yin and yang energies in business, wealth building, and deep space holding for the full spectrum of what it means to be a leader and human.

She started her business after a series of life altering experiences that woke her up to how precious life is.

Melissa has now served thousands of clients globally online and in person in a few short years. She reached $300K total revenue by the second year in her business and started making $50K months in the third year of her business, teaching classes with up to 800 attendees, while keeping her business model extremely simple and sustainable.

She has helped many of her clients reach multiple six figures in her business from scratch, coached millionaires, and supported people with financial wounds in their healing processes.


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What is the Abundance Beyond Paradigm?

Abundance Beyond is about finding wealth within first. What's attracted externally is a reflection of the inner wealth that's cultivated. 

Abundance Beyond is about collaboration and community over competition. 

 Abundance Beyond is about consistently tending to your flame so that those who desire may see by your light and light their own flames as well. 

 Abundance Beyond is about trusting deeply from the depth of your nervous system. Choosing to believe that everything is always working out as a best-case scenario. Embracing the mystery, the knowing and not knowing of it all. 

 Abundance Beyond is about understanding that the best thing your can possibly do for yourself, your business, and your clients is to see everyone (including yourself) as their highest selves and invite them to holding that standard. 

In Abundance Beyond, structure is sexy. We get down to details and create a ROCK SOLID business foundation to build your wildest dreams on.

 Abundance Beyond is about believing in enough for all. It's about generosity with your praise, sharing, promoting, uplifting, time, and money. Your values are at the forefront of your business and life. You see your work as a gift from the divine to be shared with the world.  

Abundance Beyond is about boundaries. Your energy is strong and you're efficient and effective in using it. You're very decisive in your sacred no’s and yes’s. 

 Creating from the Abundance Beyond paradigm is not perfect, but your big ass heart is down to fail, down to learn through challenge, down to reintegrate and reprioritize and check your integrity and be humble in the process - and you have the capacity and self-awareness for this. 

Creating from the Abundance Beyond Paradigm will open you to a reality beyond your wildest dreams.




This is what the intention of the Abundance Beyond Year is - to help uplift us all into a paradigm with more ease, more dedication, more endurance, more trust, more love, more commitment, more equity, more power, more community, and more resilience in your business. 

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What you will Receive


Get access to ALL programs, masterclasses, and fun extra offers (basically EVERYTHING besides masterminds and 1:1) for a FULL YEAR!


 Including Melissa's Signature Group Programs!


WEALTHY - A lifetime access container to heal, deepen, & expand your relationship with money 

THE SPACE HOLDER PROGRAM - A 4-week activation to ignite your powerful message, inner visionary, and depth-focused space holding skills

EMBODIED BRAND - express, serve, and magnetize through your content + create an audience of people ready and desiring to buy with self-empowerment

CAPACITY - 2 months of nervous system regulation and expansion for business owners ready for sustainable, deliciously receiving, full-spectrum success


IDENTITY - 8 days to embody your next level!

CASH VORTEX - Become a money and sales magnet. Let sales be really freaking fun

INTEGRATE + UPLEVEL - energetics and strategies to scale sustainably through business optimization

THE TAPPING FACILITATION PROGRAM - learn the science of tapping, space holding + guiding skills, the integrity of facilitation + more 

BLOOM - living library for emerging and expanding entrepreneurs

  Every LIVE Masterclass + all other SPONTANEOUS offerings created + a playlist of all our past masterclasses.



Abundance Beyond Year Telegram Group & monthly group hot-seat coaching calls where you will receive personalized support!

Any other fun program or offer that comes through in the year together (not including the Abundance Beyond Conference).

This is a full value of over $20,000!!!







Join the Abundance Beyond Paradigm and heal, deepen, and expand your life and business to the next level.

Any payment made within the last 30 days or any program from this list that has already been purchased for the next live round can be applied towards this purchase. If this is something you would like to add, please email our team here at and we can send you a custom link.


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 Frequently Asked Questions

  • NO! This all-access container is for everyone! I’ve had students who were in tech get raises, corporate leaders climb the ladder a little higher, people in unfulfilled jobs quit to become full-time teachers or creatives, artists start selling more of their work, creatives create other streams of income in their businesses, moms have unexpected money show up, and more.

  • I totally understand you have a lot to do.. I do, too! But I’ve found this work is SO POWERFUL that I’ve made it a priority in my life. You get out of this course what you put in. Most of the time, just simple energy shifts (like taking the leap to sign up!) create ripple effects in how money flows into your life and how you feel about money. That boost will give you the motivation to keep going and prioritize this work. You have to make space for it. :) All of the live calls are recorded, and you have lifetime access. Busy? No freaking problem.

  • You’ll feel in your soul, body (or whatever your human design authority is) if this is for you.. Then, it’s time to make your sign up a ritual, a release practice, a declaration and trust yourself. Open to receive, baby.

  • No. This is a year-long container. When you sign up, you are committing to a full year. There is no cancellation option for the 4 or 12-month payment plan.

  • PLENTY of people have done this work and had immediate (almost freaky) income results from their energetic declaration that they were finally open to create a new way of being around money - however making more money actually isn’t our biggest intention and there are not guarantees granted. The most important thing that has developed for people is a the move into acceptance and love around finances vs. the default of fear and lack. Embodying self-awareness and trust in money is what helps the god, the universe, or whatever higher power you believe in line up with your desires in order to show you the next steps toward your goals and open wonderful doors for you.

  • Heck yes! We are making this program as accessible as possible. You can find the payment plan options on the checkout page.

  • We have a no refund policy. Once you sign up, you’re in babe.. and it’s time to go deep.